Author David A. Wimsett

Dragons Unremembered Half Awakened Dreams Covenant With the Dragons Beyond the Shallow Bank Beyond the Shallow Bank Illustrated Edition Something on my Mind Unexpected Consequences

David A. Wimsett
Author, Journalist and Business Writer

Whether in a small fishing village at the turn of the twentieth century, a future world, or a land with magic and dragons that exits only in imagination, my books have action, adventure, political intrigue, selfish acts, acts of heroism, personal challenges, contemplative moments, tender scenes and humor set in immersive worlds with histories, legends and cultures.

There are characters of different genders, orientations, identities, colors and ethnicities drawn as whole, intelligent and competent people who are placed in situations where they have the opportunity to examine their lives. The choices they make expose their true natures as they grow or diminish.

I’m a member of the Writers' Union of Canada, the Canadian Freelance Guild and the Writers' Federation of Nova Scotia where I sit on the Writer's Council.

Member: Writers' Union of Canada    Member: Canadian Freelance guild    Member: Writers' Federation of Nova Scotia    Member: Creative Nonfiction Collective Society    Member: Canadian Society of Children's Authors, Illustrators & Performers
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Short Stories




I will be appearing at the Wolfville Farmers’ Market on October 12th from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM at 24 Elm Street, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

I appeared at the MareGold Bookstore on July 8th from 12 Noon to 4PM - 212 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia.

I read from my first-place award-winning historical novel Beyond the Shallow Bank, set in 1901 Nova Scotia with rumors of Celtic mythology, along with nine other authors as a part of Writers Reading from the U.K. on June 15th.

Atlantic Book Reviews posted a review of Beyond the Shallow Bank on their Facebook account.

Covenant With the Dragons was reviewed on Instagram by fantasybook.corner_norway with a nod to the entire Carandir Saga.

I was interviewed for the the October 2021 edition of ev0ke magazine.


In addition to fiction, I offer professional writing services for businesses, university and governments providing articles, product reviews, business plans, security plans and more.


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